Hello, Betsey here, born and raised in the beautiful Florida Keys, a unique blend of many cultures that began my love of Caribbean gardening and cooking, enjoying and protecting the crystal blue waters surrounding us and a caring community you can count on. When pregnant with my first child, I became laser focused on the importance of nutrition and a non-toxic home environment for their impact on our daily health.
My breastfeeding journey began in 1988 when I attended La Leche League meetings while pregnant. I made lifelong friends, got to see women breastfeed, listen to their stories of delight AND difficulties and knew I had a support system and access to the right information on how to feed my milk to my baby. Knowing what was normal and what was myth and who to call for support got me through those first few days, weeks and months of all the ups and downs. It feels amazing to have support you can trust and reciprocating in kind.
Birthing and raising 5 children with my husband and extended family, I am most thankful for all the personal mentoring, loving friendships and knowledge gained I am able to share with others. I love to support and empower families to listen to and trust their bodies, seek out information and discover nutritional and non-toxic home options that impact health everyday, including human milk.
I became a La Leche League Leader in 1996 and for 12 years developed lifetime friendships with our leader group and participated with the breastfeeding task force in our county. I worked for WIC (Women, Infants & Children), 2 years as a health educator training staff and working with clients one-on-one and 12 years as an IBCLC doing the same and encouraging all passionate persons to further their breastfeeding education. Our community has a 64 bed children’s hospital and WIC supports families with infants in the NICU with loaner pumps at no cost. It was such an honor to support those moms with knowledge and a listening ear as they loved and nurtured their babies before and including the transition home. Working with the hospital RN IBCLC’s as part of the continuity of care for all WIC clients was very rewarding, as was our work with community partners through the county breastfeeding coalition.
Pumping/expressing breastmilk is a skill to know as there are situations where pumping is necessary or preferred for varying timeframes. I have experience with many of the scenarios and techniques and have helped many moms in all aspects of pumping support.
After leaving the Breastfeeding Coordinator position at WIC I wanted to continue lactation support and started private practice, Human Milk Matters Lactation. If you are pregnant and looking for information and support, I am here for you and anyone else who would like support and assistance in their breastfeeding journey. If you have questions and would like to know more, please reach out. Let’s talk.